In the United States, the day after Thanksgiving is known as "Black Friday." It is known to be the day many people start or do all of their Christmas shopping. On Black Friday the malls and major retailers get flooded with crowds of consumers hoping to find special offers and huge discounts that are not normally seen through majority of retailers. Lately, in the past few years, many retailers have extended their normal business hours to keep up with the craze. There are some stores that open up as early as 7 pm on Thanksgiving day and remain open overnight up until Friday night. Even though retailers have incredible deals, I think this frenzy is crazy! I think it is insane for employees to work on Thanksgiving Day because it takes away quality time that is known to be shared on Thanksgiving with friends and family. Aside from that it can also be dangerous. In previous years, there have been many tragedies that have been reported during "Black Friday." I refuse to go shopping on Black Friday. Because is it really worth it? I don't think all the hectic atmosphere that comes with Black Friday is worth the deals offered. I rather do some of my shopping on “Cyber Monday”. Cyber Monday this year is on November 27, 2017, the first Monday after Thanksgiving. Cyber Monday is actually becoming more popular while Black Friday is becoming less so. I think Cyber Monday is a great way to avoid the crowds on Black Friday which still managing to get amazing deals! Many retailers are known to offer 40% off items and free shipping as well. So if you've been ignoring Cyber Monday, it's time to give this awesome sale day another shot because this shopping extravaganza is definitely here to stay!
Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary Activity
Grammar Point:
Grammar Point:
To make a statement, use a period (.).
For questions, use a question mark (?).
For exclamations, use an exclamation point (!).
Grammar Exercise:
Free write.But be sure to use different grammar points in your writing.
- Which day would you rather do your shopping? Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
I will never understand why people are crazed about going shopping at 2 am! Don't they know many tragedies have occurred during Black Friday? I never shop on Black Friday. It is too crazy for me. I much rather enjoy deals on Cyber Monday in the comfort of my own home.
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